TYPOPASSAGE TM #5 / The Czech Film Poster by Terryposters / 20th of April 2013
We hereby celebrate our 3rd year in a row and our 5th type-exhibition so far and because it is a special occasion we are honored to present you the Czech Film Poster (1979 – 1991). Terry Posters made everything possible and sent us 12 original Filmposters from their main archive in Prague (within the Aero Cinema), where they house an incredible amount of 13000 original film posters. Mr. Pavel Rajcan who is the agitator behind Terry Posters was kind enough to answer to a couple of questions in an interview we published within our special issue of the TypopassageTM#2 magazine - which was thematically directed around the topic of Czech Graphic Design.
We hereby celebrate our 3rd year in a row and our 5th type-exhibition so far and because it is a special occasion we are honored to present you the Czech Film Poster (1979 – 1991). Terry Posters made everything possible and sent us 12 original Filmposters from their main archive in Prague (within the Aero Cinema), where they house an incredible amount of 13000 original film posters. Mr. Pavel Rajcan who is the agitator behind Terry Posters was kind enough to answer to a couple of questions in an interview we published within our special issue of the TypopassageTM#2 magazine - which was thematically directed around the topic of Czech Graphic Design.